WHEN THE HEART SWALLOWS THE LORD +Saint John Chrysostomos 347-406


Remembrance of the name of Jesus rouses the enemy to battle. For a soul that forces itself to pray the Prayer of Jesus can find anything by this prayer, both good and evil.

First, it can see evil in the recesses of its own heart, and afterwards good. This power can stir the snake to action, and this prayer can lay it low. This prayer can expose the sin that is living in us, and this prayer can eradicate it. This prayer can stir up in the heart all the power of the enemy, and this prayer can conquer it and gradually root it out. 

The name of the Lord Jesus Christ as He descends into the depths of the heart will subdue the snake which controls its ranges, and will save and Quicken the soul. Continue constantly in the name of the Lord Jesus that the heart may swallow the Lord and the Lord the heart, and that these two may be one. However this is not accomplished in a single day, nor in 2 days, but requires many years and much time. Much time in labor are needed in order to expel the enemy and instate Christ. 
+Saint John Chrysostomos 347-406

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