A Lament for Sin ~St. Basil the Great
Suggestion:  As often you deem helpful or necessary, the addition of A LAMENT FOR SIN, to the PREPARATION FOR CONFESSION AND THE COMMUNION PRAYERS, is beneficial.

Introduction:  If, while reading and contemplating the personal examination provided by our holy father Basil, you are tempted with the thought that the saint is extreme and excessive, have no doubt it is from Satan to distract you from providing God with deep and contrite repentance because Satan doesn't want you to be forgiven, he doesn't want you to Commune of the Life-Giving Gifts and he seeks relentlessly to devour your soul.  In fact, Satan knows well that when we have genuine love for God, which St. Basil shares with us, humility and repentance is born, and from it God's reward  -  Eternal Life in Paradise

Having dismissed Satan from your mind, express with sincere meekness, contrition and humility, that you are guilty not only of all Saint Basil confers on himself but in addition, with child-like innocence, ask, out of gratitude, to be chastised all the more, believing that God will not, as shown by the theologian Khomiakov, reveal all our sins to us, lest we become despondent.   Know that in seeking Christ's good pleasure, you might be lifted up as once was Longinus the Centurion when he, and others present, heard our Lord say: I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel. St. Luke 9

Since, in our disfigured state, we cannot possibly fathom even a mustard seed of the infinite depth of our Creator's love for us, let us then be deeply gratified that our Father allowed His Only-Begotten "the Son of Man" to be sacrificed for our sins, and that through our repentance, we become eligible to enter the Banquet in Paradise.

Saint Luke 9:23 King James Version
23 And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.

*1 Corinthians 15:55-56 King James Version
55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.

**Saint John 8:51 King James Version
Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death.
The following by Saint Basil removes the *sting and victory of death.  And in keeping Christ's saying, we will **never see death but be translated from this life into ETERNAL LIFE.


Weep over your sin: it is a spiritual ailment; it is death to your immortal soul; it deserves ceaseless, unending weeping and crying; let all tears flow for it, and sighing come forth without ceasing from the depths of your heart.

In profound humility I weep for all my sins, voluntary and involuntary, conscious and unconscious, secretly and openly, great and little, committed by word and deed, in thought and intention, day and night, at every hour and minute of my life.

I weep over my pride and my ambition, my self love and my boastfulness; I weep over my fits of anger, irritation, excessive shouting, swearing, quarreling and cursing;

I weep for having criticized, censured, gossiped, slandered, and defamed, for my wrath, enmity, hatred, envy, jealousy, vengeance and rancor;

I weep over my indulgences in lust, impure thoughts and evil inclinations; covetousness, gluttony, drunkenness, and sloth;

I weep for having talked idly, used foul language, blasphemed, derided, told inappropriate jokes, ridiculed, mocked, excessive pleasure;

I weep over my self indulgence, greed, love of money and being misery, lack of mercy and cruelty;

I weep over my laziness, indolence, negligence, love of comfort, weakness, idleness, absent-mindedness, irresponsibility, inattention, love of sleep, for hours spent in idle pursuits, and for my lack of concentration in prayer and in Church, for not observing fasts and not doing charitable works.

I weep over my lack of faith, my doubting, my entanglements, my coldness, my indifference, my weakness and unfeelingness in what concerns the Holy Orthodox Faith, and over all my foul, cunning and reviling thoughts;

I weep over my exaggerated sorrow and grief, depression and despair, and over sins committed willingly.

I weep, but what tears can I find for a worthy and fitting way to weep for all the actions of my ill fated life; for my immeasurable and profound worthlessness? How can I reveal and expose in all its nakedness each one of my sins, great and small, voluntary and involuntary, conscious and unconscious, overt and covert, every hour and minute of sin? When and where shall I begin my penitential lament that will bear fitting fruit?

Perhaps soon I may have to face the last hour of my life; my soul will be painfully sundered from my sinful and depraved body; I shall have to stand before terrible demons and radiant angels, who will reveal and torment me with my sins; and I, in fear and trembling, will be unprepared and unable to give them an answer; the sight and sound of wailing demons, their violent and bold desire to drag me into the bottomless pit of Hell will fill my soul with confusion and terror. And then the angels of God will lead my poor soul to stand before God's fearful seat of judgment. How will I answer the Immortal King, or how will I dare, sinner that I am, to look upon My Judge? Woe is me! I have no good answer to make, for I have spent all my life in indolence and sin, all my hours and minutes in vain thoughts, desires and yearnings!

And how many times have I taken the Name of God in vain!

How often, lightly and freely, at times even boldly, insolently and shamelessly have I slandered others in anger; offended, irritated, mocked them!

How often have I been proud and vainglorious and boasted of good qualities that I do not possess and of deeds that I have not done!

How many times have I lied, deceived, been cunning or flattered, or been insincere and deceptive; how often have I been angry, intolerant and mean!

How many times have I ridiculed the sins of my brother, caused him grief overtly and covertly, mocked or gloated over his misdeeds, his faults or his misfortunes; how many times have I been hostile to him, in anger, hatred or envy!

How often have I laughed stupidly, mocked and derided, spoke without weighing my words, ignorantly and senselessly, and uttered a numberless quantity of cutting, poisonous, insolent, frivolous, vulgar, coarse, brazen words!

How often, affected by beauty, have I fed my mind, my imagination and my heart with voluptuous sensations, and unnaturally satisfied the lusts of the flesh in fantasy! How often has my tongue uttered shameful, vulgar and blasphemous things about the desires of the flesh!

How often have I yearned for power and been gluttonous, satiating myself on delicacies, on tasty, varied and diverse foods and wines; because of intemperance and lack of self-control how often have I been filled past the point of satiety, lacked sobriety and been drunken, intemperate in food and drink, and broken the Holy Fasts!

How often, through selfishness, pride or false modesty, have I refused help and attention to those in need, been uncharitable, miserly, unsympathetic, mercenary and grasped at attention!

How often have I entered the House of God without fear and trembling, stood there in prayer, frivolous and absent-minded, and left it in the same spirit and disposition! And in prayer at home I have been just as cold and indifferent, praying little, lazily, and indolently, inattentively and impiously, and even completely omitting the appointed prayers!

And in general, how slothful I have been, weakened by indolence and inaction; how many hours of each day have I spent in sleep, how often have I enjoyed pleasure-loving thoughts in bed and defiled my flesh! How many hours have I spent in empty and futile pastimes and pleasures, in frivolous talk and speech, excessive games and fun, and how much time have I wasted conclusively in chatter, and gossip, in criticizing others and reproaching them; how many hours have I spent in time-wasting and emptiness! What shall I answer to the Lord God for every hour and every minute of lost time? In truth, I have wasted my entire life in laziness.

How many times have I lost heart and despaired of my salvation and of God's mercy or through stupid habit, insensitivity, ignorance, insolence, shamelessness, and hardness sinned deliberately, willingly, in my right mind, in full awareness, in all goodwill, in both thought and intention, and in deed, and in this fashion trampled the blood of God 's covenant and crucified anew within myself the Son of God and cursed Him!

O how terrible the punishment that I have drawn upon myself!

How is it that my eyes are not streaming with constant tears?.. If only my tears flowed from the cradle to the grave, at every hour and every minute of my tortured life! Who will now cool my head with water and fill the well of my tears and help me weep over my soul that I have cast into perdition?

My God, my God! Why hast Thou forsaken me? Be it unto me according to Thy will, O Lord! If Thou wouldst grant me light, be Thou blessed; if Thou wouldst grant me darkness, be Thou equally blessed. If Thou wouldst destroy me together with my lawlessness, glory to Thy righteous judgment; and if Thou wouldst not destroy me together with my lawlessness, glory to Thy boundless mercy!


  1. This sounded like a autobiography of my life. It’s almost unbelievable how many things I had said, felt, done, thought, etc. To me it left me empty. It made me think all my efforts of trying to be a Christian and loving God and knowing deep down what’s the course and how badly I have failed. A new start is needed every minute of every day to keep up and follow the Lord’s way. It seems impossible and I think is impossible. Everything I have done or tried to do is nothing compared to what must be necessary to reach our God. I feel like a failure and yet it makes me reconcile in my own mind how little I have really done and more so the way I
    This left me thinking I am a failure, and don’t want any have done it
    One must regroup each day and night and look at what we have done and said and thought compared to what is expected of us each minute of each day. It seems a waste of time to think that as weak as I am I could even come close.
    This makes me feel a failure of my entire life in God’s eyes and makes me realize how far I am away from that.
    I must start over and do my best to start again the journey, because in the end and from the bottom of my heart, that is what I want to strive for.

    1. The Blessing of the Lord
      DO NOT DESPAIR! What you desire IS impossible for man but not for God. The purpose in self-abasement is humility which is required of us so our gracious and loving Lord will do what only He can do.

  2. Sorry for the delay, If you would like a response, please email me at fatherraphael@gmail.com
