by Saint Ephraem the Syrian

Psalm 58
Using the eyes of my heart I have observed the Lord sitting in great glory and I thought I heard Him tell my soul: O soul, how is it, that you have found your heavenly bridal chamber that is full of the light of glory, to be vile?How is it that you were offended by the beneficial things that I prepared for you in the land of life?How is it that you have become a stranger to Me by unseemly acts and thoughts?How is it that you have no interest in readying yourself so that you might stand in a worthy manner in My presence at My coming?How is it that you do not guard your lamp so it is prepared in expectation of the announcement, "See, the bridegroom comes," so that you go out to meet Me with gladness?How is it that you take no care to arrange an appropriate wedding garment?How is it that you do not compose yourself to come in with gladness to the holy, divine bridal chamber?How is it that you do not join yourself to Me, who have saved you from death? I have accepted death to make you ready to be My bride. I have arranged the everlasting kingdom for you as an inheritance. All My good things which I, as a King, have given to you.On account of you I became a man, because I wanted to ransom your life from depravity.On account of you I have readied a bridal chamber in heaven and ordered the angels to lead you into that bridal chamber, that you might enter with gladness. But you have turned from Me, your groom, and from the indescribable good things which I have arranged for you.But you have turned from Me, your groom, and from the indescribable good things which I have arranged for you. Yet who is more appealing than Me, Who redeemed all creation by My mercy?What father provides life as I do? But, O soul, you have forsaken Me, and longed for another, a vile stranger. Who would not start to shudder in horror when hearing these words?Who would not, in shame, fall down, weep tears, and call out, "Why did I come forth from the womb of my mother?Is it to anger the Good, Holy and compassionate God? But, grant, O Lord, that we should be sedate and separate ourselves from vain anxieties, so that we would return to a sound mind and come back to you, in Whom only is all true goodness for us."❦
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